Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ovarian Cancer More Condition_treatment Does Having An Aunt With Uterine Cancer Make Me More Likely To Have Ovarian Cancer?

Does having an aunt with uterine cancer make me more likely to have ovarian cancer? - ovarian cancer more condition_treatment

Recently, doctors found a tumor on the right ovary and I have to keep track of them. but I just wanted to know what was the likelihood that this cancer can be given to an aunt and a cousin of cancer of the uterus, breast cancer


lo_mcg said...

ur a small portion of cancer risk.

Good luck with your test, hope it's good for you

Ed Atun said...

Our bodies produce large amounts of tumor and the "growth" in our lives. Most of them are harmless. His family history is a part of this tendency to the disease. An aunt is not final. If both parents and grandparents had cancer-2, I would worry.
Sooner or later, and get your length of their tumor. Or will you be happy if no, no. Some people want to see again and stop. Others prefer not to know for a few days or weeks.
If you are a cancer, you will feel dramatic impact, but not be for years and years. You feel tired, tired, not sleep. They run on energy. You will not want to eat. You can feel pain in the abdomen. Or is it one of those people who have no side effects of cancer, but cancer itself
But ..... If the tumor is benign, most of them are ..... then to the rest of your life as best they can and grateful that you're lucky this time ..

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